Saturday 1 March 2014

sounds and meaning .

One day I plan to tell you how I really felt feel about you, without the wordplay and best guesses. One day I plan to spell it all out in a language we can both speak and comprehend.
You will know that day is here when my heart is bleeding onto everything I touch. When my skin is all but screaming to be wrapped up in your arms.When my every bone quakes at the sound of your voice.
(Or am I back to wordplay?)

You will know it is that day because it will sounds like this: I loved love you. 

I love you, dammit. 



  1. I wish I was brave enough to just send this to the person I need to send it to. Why are those words so hard to say? It's so hard to give that much to a single person.

    Tightrope to the Sun

  2. Sometimes it is harder to say things simply because they are not padded or protected.

  3. some words are very hard to say, despite the feeling.

  4. Those words are so true about him... I love him... it's over though but he should always know I love him...

  5. beautiful words, as always.
