Friday 14 March 2014

one, two, infinity .

A sadness runs through himyou have a mole under the corner of your left eye and it was the first thing i loved about you.

you have a scar that runs down your stomach that you got while play-fighting in the woods when you were six, and it was the 5th thing i loved about you (after your lopsided grin, the ruddiness of your cheeks, and the calm of your voice).

you have a patch of freckles on your right calf that look like ursa minor, and I'm not sure what number this was because somewhere after five i stopped counting parts and started seeing a whole. 
and this would have been terrifying had it not happened so slowly and so without me realizing that the pieces were adding up to make someone who would, one day, become a part of me.

if you like, i could write the whole long list of everything you made me love, but i've found the things i didn't fit easier on a page: 
when you stopped smiling with your teeth, 
how your words became smaller and more sharp over time, 
the look on your face when you said goodbye and meant it. 

and i understand the goodbye, i do. it's just, some days i miss that mole under your eye. 


ps. hello my lovely readers. this month marks 3 years of writing in this space(!), and in all that time the appearance of this blog has remained mostly unchanged; this month i decided change was due. i hope you like the new look! i also just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads and comments on my posts, you mean more to me than i know how to express. thank you for your kindness, encouragement, and support; i genuinely love and appreciate every comment and i'm sorry that i'm not better at responding to them. i'm going to try to be more interactive, so if you have any suggestions for the blog, any writing prompt/subject ideas you'd like me to try, or any questions about myself, i'd love to hear them! i also have an email you can contact me directly at: . thank you all again. 


  1. Sarah, this is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

    1. Thanks Cassia:) I miss your face and your words!

  2. This is so beautifully written, and so poignant. You write about love (and lost love) in a way that is at once small/personal, and also write of falling in love with a mole, with a scar, and this is your experience, but it is also mine.

    I miss him, too.

    1. I love hearing when my writing is relatable (even though it is the sadness and loss that relates most often). There is a proverb that says a shared joy is a double joy, a shared sorrow is half a sorrow. Here's hoping our shared 'miss' becomes less by being shared. xx

  3. this is so pretty. i fell in love with how about love.

    i am a pretty new reader and have read your last two posts. when i visited the site this time, i wasnt so sure if this was the same site but you have done an amazing work on the design.

    a. (:

  4. i think it looks lovely and light. and i feel overcome to have encountered such beautiful writers through blogging, you being one of them. keep doing what you do- and i'll keep coming to consume your words. :) xo

    1. Thank you Kayla - you are one for me as well. xx

  5. I love the new look... I enjoy reading blogs ... I have to tell you that there are a handful of blogs that really excite me when I see they have posted, yours is one of them... You write so beautifully.

    What you write sometimes coincides with what is going on in my life... I have had someone important and special to me say goodbye to me.. I understand too but like you, I miss those small things, our good night texts every night with xoxo ...

    1. Thank you Launna! Your comments are always so meaningful to me. xx

  6. Adore the new layout. It's so clean! And that new picture of you on the left. Are you even real? You are so stunning, inside and out.

    Also this post is so amazing. This has got me all sorts of inspired. I love the little hidden bits of people that only you get to see. Birthmarks and moles are such lifelines to souls.

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. Way too sweet! Thank you so much. You are such an inspiration to me, so I'm glad it works both ways:) xx

  7. This post was so beautiful, it ached.
    The new appearence is lovely.

  8. i love the new layout! it stands out and i think it fits your writing :)
    yay for 3 years! i hope you'll keep blogging forever, your words inspire me so much.

  9. Beautiful. I'm reminded the little aspects of real love that often get forgotten in TV and books. Love this.

  10. I DO like the new look! Your words are still amazing. xx

  11. It's interesting how people always seem to become something limited, a part of them you saw instantly when you met them. Everything else sort of fades away with time.

    / Avy

  12. Geez this post gave me a knot on my throat. My "guy" just left me 3 days ago...and when he said "goodbye" i knew he really meant it this time. Great writing, congrats on the 3 years. Keep it up!

    1. Wow - such a raw feeling. I hope you begin to heal soon. xx

  13. This. This hits so close to home. You captured it so perfectly. The things that signal the end. So, so close to home.
