catching myself staring at the stranger
on the café bench
wondering if
the dimples in his cheeks would
feel the same as yours
with my nose pressed into the crease
[if i could ever love him if they didn't
if i could ever leave him if they did]
how the cab-mans callouses
compare to yours
held tight against my ribcage —
that extra friction
sending me over the edge
if the workman's arms are also used
to wrap themselves around someone
soft and breakable
when he puts down his saws and hammers for the day.
i've been thinking lately aboutforgiveness
whether you can find some for me
when this all goes to shit
[if you can start storing it up now
and slowly letting us go
before we have to]
and whether i can find any for myself
for taking it this far
knowing that this is going to
break us both —
{Photo: Утро вторника}