Thursday 14 November 2013

new territory .

you are a country i want to learn. a culture i want to bathe in until my fingers prune up. i want to carve your language into my walls until they've been chiseled so deep they have nothing left to do but crumble.

you don't scare me with your history. with the wars that have already been fought and lost upon your ground, leaving you scarred beneath the wreckage. i don't mind the mess.

i want to discover the secret places. the ones the ten-day tourists never find. i want to know your safe areas and the ones i'm not supposed to go to after dark has fallen.
i don't want to just visit. i want to live in you. to walk every day with your air in my lungs. to search you over without a map because i will make my own. i will rewrite it a thousand times and i still won't get it perfect, but it will be my life work to try.

i want you to be the last country i go to, and me the last traveler you allow within.

i want to find my home in you.



  1. these words... they hit home for me, they mean something so deep to me. how you so gorgeously spelled it out.

  2. You've said it better than I ever could have formulated myself. You have a beautiful gift.

  3. S. This was beautiful, so incredible... I love the way you write... even if it makes me cry.... :-/

  4. Gorgeous. These words feel heavy with history, just like the place you are writing about.

    Tightrope to the Sun

  5. oh my goodness. this is so gorgeous! please write all the days. this is seriously just.. i don't even have words.

  6. Just reread this and I'm swallowed in your words again. I'm involved with the literary journal at my university and we are looking for submissions for our magazine. I would love to be able to feature some of your writing in our pages.

    You can submit a poem or any work of prose (fiction or non fiction) that is less than 2,000 words. There is no theme so anything at all will be perfect! Send your piece, your name, and preferred method of contact to The deadline is December 13.

    Thank you for sharing your words with us all.

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. Em, thank you so much for thinking of me. I would, of course, love to submit something. I'm just working through my own feelings of inadequacy, but please know I appreciate your comments and support enormously, and hopefully I'll summon the nerve to send something in.

      Again, thank you.
